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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 351-550

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Krawtchouk Polynomials and the Symmetrization of Hypergroups

Charles F. Dunkl and Donald E. Ramirez

pp. 351-366

An Operator Related to the Inverse Laplace Transform

Abraham Ungar

pp. 367-375

On a Problem of E. L. De Forest in Iterated Smoothing

T. N. E. Greville

pp. 376-398

Conjugate Inequalities for Functions and Their Derivatives

A. M. Fink

pp. 399-411

A Volterra Equation in Hilbert Space

Kenneth B. Hannsgen

pp. 412-416

Singular Perturbation of an Improperly Posed Cauchy Problem

L. E. Adelson

pp. 417-424

Asymptotic Expansion of Laplace Convolutions for Large Argument and Tail Densities for Certain Sums of Random Variables

Richard A. Handelsman and John S. Lew

pp. 425-451

An Estimate for the Rate of Convergence of Convolution Products of Sequences

R. Bojanic and Y. H. Lee

pp. 452-462

A Uniqueness Theorem for Convolution Equations in $L^p (R^n )$ Spaces

Chen-Kuang Ho

pp. 463-468

Functions Whose Fourier Transforms Decay at Infinity: Qualitative Criteria for an Additional Case

John S. Lew

pp. 469-472

Oscillations of $n$th Order Differential Equations with Retarded Argument

G. A. Bogar

pp. 473-481

A Linear Hyperbolic Problem All of Whose Solutions are Constant after Finite Time

Kenneth L. Cooke

pp. 482-488

Dual Orthogonal Series

Robert B. Kelman and Robert P. Feinerman

pp. 489-502

The Szegö Recursion Relation and Inverses of Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrices

James H. Justice

pp. 503-508

Equiconvergence Theorems for Series Whose Terms Satisfy a Difference Equation

Jet Wimp

pp. 509-516

Asymptotic Analysis of Nonlinear Diffusion and Related Multidimensional Integrals

Charles G. Lange

pp. 517-550